How much time we heard these words…

 “I do not like the Classical music”…

 “But which period of the classical music don't like not? ” 

Because you say although the classicism represents one period of approximately a century, whereas the music always existed. Art in all its forms appeared with the arrival of the man on the ground.
The first “musicians” started with slappings of hands, incantations to act over time, the animals, against the diseases, while the painters expressed themselves by means of frescos… in the caves!
But let us cross time, of Antiquity to the modern music.
I illustrated each time, by a characteristic musical extract which you will be able to discover on the CD-ROM of the site, in order to highlight the evolution of the music at the wire of time.
My goal is not to make the complete history of the music. I simply wish to render comprehensible that one cannot reject in block a certain arbitrarily named music “classical music”. 

There is not more “traditional” music than of “great” music.

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Mise à jour le 8 février 2008

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