la musique baroque
Le XVII me Siècle
        It is in XVIIme century that the dramatic musical style and the discovery of the harmony to the modern direction of the term, give rise to the opera.

        The musicians attracted by the lyric art, grant to the poem the place which it occupied in the Greek drama. The literary classicism, exerts an influence in the various fields of Article.

        New forms see the day, like the cantata, the oratorio, the opera, however the instrumental music is not forsaken.

        It is in Italy, in Florence, that the composers like Galilei (1533-1591), father of the famous astronomer, contribute to the creation of the representative music, i.e. dramatic.

Clio, Euterpe et Thalie(Le Sueur,1652)
             Other musicians prepare the récitatif style, and the composer Peri (1561-1633) with the assistance of the Rinuccini poet, give in 1600 for the marriage of Henri IV with Marie de Médicis, a “Eurydice”.

            The opera has just been born with its dances, its airs, its choruses accompanied by the orchestra.

The Venetian school with Monteverdi (1568-1643) expresses in a realistic and personal way, the human feelings. Initially Choirmaster of the Duke of Mantoue, then in Saint Marc of Venice it composes Orfeo in 1607, Ariana in 1608, the crowning of Poppée in 1643.

        He plays a big role in balance between the voices and the orchestra

Orfeo" de Monteverdi en 1607 (disponible sur le Cd-Rom )

        In Naples, Alessandro Scarlatti (1659-1725) with 125 operas and 700 cantatas and oratorios, attract all the favours of the public. Its fame extends as far as Germany.

        In France it will be necessary to await the arrival of Mazarin so that the Italian opera settles finally. In 1669 Perrin (1620? -1675) founds thanks to the support of Colbert, the Royal Academy of Music in Paris. Painting also knows an intense activity with as leader De la Tour


.   Lully .       

            Lully (1632-1687), arrives to France in 1643. He learns the violin, shows himself excel dancer, and very quickly becomes composer of the court, then superintendent of the royal music under Louis XIV. 

        Naturalized French in 1661, it Marie, and buys in Perrin in 1672 the privilege of the Royal Academy of Music.

        Filled honors and richnesses it composes about an opera per annum. He dies of the continuations of a wound to the foot, which he had been made with his cane of leader.
        He composes amongst other things, with the collaboration of Molière, “the middle-class man gentleman”
Lully can be regarded as the creator of the French opera.

Parallel to the dramatic art a revival of the instrumental music appears.

  Clavecin construit vers 1590 Vers Les Plus Beaux Violons Violon de Andréa Amati


        In Italy of big families of violin makers, (Amati Guarnerius, Stradivarius), the violin carries to final technical perfection and cause a flourishing school, with Corelli (1653-1713), and Vivaldi (1678-1743).

Les quatre saisons de Vivaldi ( only on the Cd-Rom )

.              Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) equips the harpsichord with delicate works of an unequalled virtuosity for the time.
In Germany the opera is not able to be essential in spite of an unfruitful attempt at Schütz. It will be necessary to wait until 1678 so that the opera becomes a national kind in German language, but without much artistic direction.

. Purcell .        

            In England the composer Henry Purcell (1658-1695), borrows from Italian and French to create his own works, while keeping his personality. He is high in a very favorable medium professional musicians. In 1679 it is named with the organ of Westminster.

            About 1680 he becomes the official musician of monarchy. He writes “Didon and Enée” operated sung from beginning to end, about 1689. Sacrificing to the taste of the Londoners it will be directed towards the “semi-opera” which intersects the episodes sung with important dialogues.

            At its time, the English music seemed to take various routes, the genius of Purcell was to have exploited thoroughly those without neglecting any of it.

The German
composers, Buxtehude (1637-1707), Pachelbel (1653-1706), as well as the uncles of J-S Bach, are directed much towards the sacred music, with a rigour and an austere and imposing construction, which characterizes the Germanic spirit.
Bach and Haendel are born the same year in 1685.


   Jean Sébastien Bach
            Bach is resulting from a family of musicians and very quickly he discovers the best artists of his time. In 1708 it obtains the place of Choirmaster in Weimar and in 1728 it is named Cantor of St Thomas in Leipzig.
It will remain there until its death in 1750.

            Works of Bach cover all the kinds sails about it at the time, as well in the instrumental music as religious. Chorals, preludes, runnings away, concerto, sonatas, continuations, constitute the work of Bach.

            For the orchestra of the time including a score of musicians, it composes of the concertos including the six Brandenburger in 1721. It will fix the rules of the tonality, which will condition the music until the beginning of the XXème century. He dies of the continuations of an operation of the cataract.

Concerto brandebourgeois de Bach ( uniquement sur le Cd-Rom )

         Haendel, discovers the Italian opera in 1696 in Berlin, but it is in Italy starting from 1706 qu ' it writes its first operas. It is read friendship with Scarlatti and Corelli.

            It goes then to London in 1712, founds the Royal Academy of music in 1719
and is made naturalize English in 1726. In 1736 an attack of apoplexy the constrained one to stop its activity for a time, then it finds health after a cure in Aachen.

            At the end of its life it becomes blind like Bach and it dies in England in 1759. Haendel composed 40 operas in the Italian style, 32 Oratorios and also of the instrumental music. Its compositions reach the perfection. Its works choral societies arrived to a width hitherto unequalled.



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